Thursday, July 14, 2011

Rainbows & Butterflies

Rainbows & Butterflies

Rainbows and Butterflies is all the little girl sees.

Rainbows and Butterflies for you and for me.

Don’t you know that Rainbows & Butterflies are some of God’s great plans?

To spread the Rainbows and Butterflies throughout this sorrowful land.

Rainbows and Butterflies is all the little girl knows.

As she is still young at 5, but then she will grow.

Rainbows and Butterflies as she stands in awe.

Rainbows and Butterflies as she runs, to tell her parents on what she just saw.

We are told in the Bible that tomorrow might not be.

For today is the day, the Rainbows & Butterflies is all that anyone might see.

Rainbows & Butterflies is all the little girl has.

There is no tomorrows, they are the things of the past.

Rainbows and Butterflies the drunk drivers don’t see.

Rainbows and Butterflies for you and for me.

Rainbows and Butterflies as the little girl lay on the ground.

Rainbows and Butterflies as people gather all round.

The little girl closes her eyes for the last time.

For being caught drunk driving is still not a crime.

Let’s hope when she wakes the things that she will see.

Are God, the Rainbows & Butterflies and Me.?

We still don’t know why you drink & drive.

All we know is that you usually end up alive.

But I truly hope you wake up and see.

You’re God, the Rainbows & Butterflies and Me.

Friday, March 5, 2010

A Lesser Road Traveled

I have traveled a road that really is less traveled. A road that many people would not want to travel, but seem to shy away from. They simply are afraid of the road and put it to the side. The road is an awful road to be on, and it is full of death. The people that have not traveled this road have not lost any friend, family,or close loved one to it. The people that have lost that friend or family member must travel this road, to try and find the answers on why this road exists in the first place. I myself, like the other ones that travel this road, do not care how much you drink of alcoholic beverages. But what we do care about is drinking those same beverages while becoming drunk, and trying to drive. We care about those persons that made you that way, and the reasons on why they did not see you safely home instead of being behind the wheel of your vehicle drunk. It is not about the alcohol! It is simply trying to drive a vehicle while drunk that we care about on this road a little less traveled. It is not about the denial of your right to consume alcohol. It is not about having a couple glasses of wine while eating at your favorite restaurant. It is simply about driving to and from a bar or a party drunk, and behind your wheel of a vehicle. It is not about your rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is about those same rights that you just took, from a person that you killed or maimed behind the wheel of your vehicle drunk. Most people that I have talked to over these past years state almost the same thing to me. Good luck getting change to drinking and driving laws when almost all the voters in your state drink. I know a lot of people that drink alcoholic beverages, but there is that one exception, and that exception is that they do not drink and drive. The repeat offender of drunk driving that appears in our court rooms time and time again today, we are told is a danger to society. I know this road a little less traveled because I myself have traveled it during my life time twice in the past 23 to 25 years. I know that I will probably meet some of you on this same road eventually, and you will be probably asking these same questions, and getting those same hollow answers and promises. From people that are in denial and want it to go away, but want drunk driving to stay. It is a privilege to drive in any state, and it is a privilege that can be taken away, all the states in the United States proclaim. If this was the truth then just where does that repeat offender come from? And if your friend or family member happens to travel this road that I'am on, then you also must look at the justice that will be meted out to that same person that took their lives while being drunk. The truth is 4 to 10 years in jail, and after that time being served behind bars we simply hand you that weapon back ( the car ). It is the only known crime in the United States that we give that person the weapon back, to maybe do it again. Anyway if you, and I do mean you, the reader of this blog do not do and ask for better ways, and newer laws, and enforcement, I will be meeting you also on this road a little less traveled. No one and I mean no one cares about drunk driving until they travel this road a little less traveled. I 'am not with any advocacy group, I 'am not with M.A.D.D. or for them, and for many reasons. I 'am just a person stuck on this road, wondering why people want drunk driving to continue. On this post is a Power Point Presentation that I converted into video and placed it on You Tube. It points you the reader in the right direction and what to ask for. And again it is not about drinking , it is about driving while intoxicated and the people that saw it fit to make you that way! The link is here: Please turn your speakers on, because Megan's song that she use to sing all the while is halfway through the video.The way I see it is this. If you yourself do not do anything to stop the drunk driver, I will eventually meet you on this road a little less taveled, and you will lose someone close to you, and you will be asking these same questions that I ask day after day on this, ROAD A LITTLE LESS TRAVELED.